Monday, August 8, 2011

L/D --- 07/28/2011

Pick of the Week: Parade Ground's 'Took Advantage' 

Aired July 28th, 2011

First 20 minutes can be founds towards the tail end of this link: LISTEN
Last hour (starting at Faust): LISTEN

**Kraftwerk  -Neon Lights-
Man Machine 12-inch Ep  Capitol  (1978)
**Konstruktivists  -Asylum-
A Dissembly Lp  Flowmotion  (1982)
**Faust  -Jennifer-
Faust IV Lp  Virgin  (1973)
**F/i  -Theme for an Industrial Western- and -Zombies in the Slave Trade-
Merge Parlour/3 New Untitled Tracks 12-inch Split  RRRecords  (1991)
**Severed Heads  -Malt Duck- and -Never Fall in Love-
Clifford Darling Please Don't Live in the Past dbl.Lp  Ink  (1985)
**Throbbing Gristle  -Dead on Arrival-
The Third and Final Report Lp  Industrial  (1978)
**Thomas Leer and Robert Rental  -Fade Away-
The Bridge Lp  Industrial  (1979)
**John Bender  -Meat-
Pop Surgery Lp  (2011; Orig.1983)
**Danton's Voice  -I Hear The Bells-
Hidden Tapes Lp Compilation  Minimal Wave  (2011; Orig. 1985)
**C.O.M.A.  -Verre-
IVG Lp Compilation  Poutre Apparente  (2007; Orig. 1978)
**Jeunesse D'Ivoire  -Silent Imagery-
Milano New Wave Lp Compilation  Spittle  (2010; Orig. early '80s)
**Parade Ground  -Took Advantage-
The Golden Years Lp  Dark Entries  (2011; Orig. 1985)

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